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The Entrepreneur's Dilemma: Alibaba, Tencent and Amazon as e-Commerce Platforms - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Ning Su; Yulin Fang; Haibin Yang; Yukun Yang;Xin Qiu;
出版日期:2015/09/02內容長度:10 頁

Teaching note for product 9B15E015.

The Entrepreneur's Dilemma: Alibaba, Tencent and Amazon as e-Commerce Platforms
作者姓名:Ning Su; Yulin Fang; Haibin Yang; Yukun Yang;Xin Qiu;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B15E015
出版日期:2015/08/13內容長度:20 頁

A nascent women’s apparel online store on Tmall, China's largest business-to-consumer retail platform operated by Alibaba Group, was just beginning to establish itself on the online market utilizing the tools and services provided by Tmall to develop and operate its business. Within four months after the business was launched, Tmall unexpectedly released a new policy which significantly increased the annual service fee and cash deposit for individual .....more